this one tricked me so I want to share it with you. I assume they just want my Craigslist login information so they can use it to scam people and not be traced. I how to get a credit report free Twin falls was fooled by the first email because I had just posted an ad and the email said that my ad had been flagged (see below). I thought it was strange that it did not come to the same email that my account is listed with - rather the email I had listed in the ad.
I actually clicked on the link and didn't notice that the website had changed and wasn't the Craigslist link that was displayed. I entered my login and password and then turned pale how to get a credit report free Twin falls when I saw that it took me to some bogus Craigslist page. I quickly logged into the REAL Craigslist and changed my password as quickly as I could.
I proceeded to get 2 more emails saying my ad was flagged.
The funny part is -- later in the day I got another email saying that a foreign IP address was attempting to log into my account and that I should click how to get a credit report free Twin falls on their "Terms of Use" link or my account would be how to get a credit report free Twin falls suspended. I had to laugh because they must have realized that I logged in but now the password how to get a credit report free Twin falls that I inputted doesn't work....very persistent !!! free credit report without using a credit card ================================== Your posting has how to get a credit report free Twin falls been flagged for removal. Approximately 98% of postings removed are in violation of craigslist posting guidelines. Please make sure you are abiding by all posted site rules, including our terms of use: (this is a masked email that actually links to how to get a credit report free Twin falls a Phishing site made to look like it is legit Craigslist - how to get a credit report free Twin falls actually links to: to get a credit report free Twin falls com/1.htm ) If you need help figuring out why your posting was flagged, try asking in our flag help forum. Include posting title, body, category, city, how often how to get a credit report free Twin falls posted, any images, HTML markup, etc. 3 in 1 free credit report If you feel your posting was wrongly flagged down (2% of flagged how to get a credit report free Twin falls ads are) please accept our apologies and feel free to repost using the link below: to get a credit report free Twin falls org/about/ctd/repost.html (this is a masked how to get a credit report free Twin falls email that actually links to a Phishing site made to look like it is legit Craigslist - actually links to: ) Sorry for the hassle, and thanks for your understanding. We how to get a credit report free Twin falls recently noticed an attempt to log in to your account from a foreign Ip address and we have how to get a credit report free Twin falls reason to believe that your account was used by third party without your authorization.If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. Therefore, if how to get a credit report free Twin falls you are the rightful account holder,click on the link below to log into your account for to get a credit report free Twin falls You will be automatically redirected to how to get a credit report free Twin falls our "Terms of Use"page.Please follow the link below :(This is a masked email that actually links to a Phishing site made to look like it is legit Craigslist - actually links to: ) If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporarily suspend your account.ThankYou! =================================== Uggh! what is a credit report These people make me crazy...true scum of the earth!
vote upvote downsharePrintflag It's posted under Craigslist. After receiving a call from Myriam, I found out that how to get a credit report free Twin falls she is calling from a cell phone and not a company phone.
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