Having a score in a certain range provides limits that you credit report business Seattle may not want to set for yourself. While on credit report business Seattle the other hand being able to check your score allows you to be able to know where you stand credit report business Seattle before you need to make a purchase.
Before you can really understand why it is so important that you check you credit score you need to understand what your credit score actually is. Your credit score is a number that credit report business Seattle represents how likely you are to be able to repay credit report business Seattle the amount that credit report business Seattle you are borrowing. free annual credit report gov It takes into consideration the debt that you have, your payment history, the type of credit you already have credit report business Seattle and the length credit report business Seattle that you have had that credit available to you. A credit score can fall anywhere from 300 points to 850 points. A score of 600 or lower makes you a high risk consumer. A high risk consumer is either not eligible for loans or credit or will receive loans with high interest rates. fair credit report act A score that lands in the 650 range puts you in the average category and a score that credit report business Seattle lands above 690 gives you excellent credit. One of the first reasons that you would want to make sure that you check credit report business Seattle your credit report is so that you are always aware of where you stand. Knowing your credit history allows you to make better decisions. If you are someone who has a low credit score you should already know that you need to get that up by eliminating credit report business Seattle some of your debt before you apply to make a big purchase such as a house or car. official credit report Checking your credit report consistently allows you to be able to see what accounts have been opened in your name or with your information. Identity theft is something that happens each day to unsuspecting people.
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